Festive Foods
As memories of summer begin to fade, you may not be too fond of the shorter days and harsher conditions. Luckily, it’s not all doom and gloom! During this time, there are plenty of celebrations to look forward to, from Halloween and Bonfire Night to Christmas and New Years Eve. These occasions are often filled with enough food and festivities to make you forget all about your last summer holidays.
When you think about Halloween and Christmas, you may already have a clear idea about what food you expect to eat. Ask anyone about what food they would eat on bonfire night and you may find that they soon become lost for words. Even after indulging in various treats from Halloween, it doesn’t have to stop there. There are many unique and traditional meals and snacks that are also enjoyed on Fireworks Night. In this article, we will be highlighting a few recipes and traditional food that is eaten throughout Halloween, Bonfire Night, Christmas and Boxing Day.
Smashing Pumpkins
Halloween often sees a large increase in the popularity of pumpkins for a very short period of time. After carving out your pumpkin, the flesh can actually be used in a wide range of recipes, including a whole host of warm and tasty soups and broths. Get creative, perhaps by even subbing out ingredients of your favourite meals with some pumpkin you may find that secret ingredient that you never knew you were missing.
Bonfire Treats
On Guy Fawkes Night, many people enjoy to roast marshmallows, after all, why waste an open fire? For this reason, any recipe that involves marshmallows will always go down well. On top of this, many people also like to cook other things over the fire, from sausages and popcorn to baked potatoes. There is really no end to the variety of food that you can cook over a fire. So if you don’t often enjoy sitting around a fire then make sure to take full advantage of it, the next time you see one may be on New Year’s Eve, or perhaps even in the next summer which doesn’t seem to come around quick enough.
Halloween 2.0
Let’s be real here, less than a week after Halloween, you should still have some sweets left. In the event that you don’t, many shops will be selling discount treats so it is the perfect time to indulge your sweet tooth. After all, how often do we get the opportunity to eat candy apples! If you are able to resist eating all of your sweets too quickly, then you may even be able to have a steady source of sugar for your sweet tooth all the way up to Christmas.
Let’s face it, if you are thinking about the best food that tends to be enjoyed on special occasions then Christmas food has got to be somewhere on your list. Christmas dinner is often one of the largest meals that you will have in the year. On top of this the food doesn’t stop after this meal, the whole of the Christmas period is filled with various traditional recipes.
Mince pies, candy canes, turkey, and Christmas pudding, there is so much food that is traditionally eaten during the Christmas period. Throughout the day, don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy various different chocolate and sweets that tend to go around as these may be gone before you realise it. Although the Christmas meal is the main event, there are plenty of snacks available to graze on while you wait. Just make sure that you save room for your dinner.
If you are looking to spice things up, there are many ways that you can add some variation to your Christmas food. For example, have you ever tried cooking your brussel sprouts in curry sauce with bacon bits? This is just one example where traditions can be flipped on their head in order to have a new tasting experience.
Vegan Christmas
Christmas food has the habit of including a lot of different meat. Although this may have been a lot more welcomed in the past, it is more apparent that there is a much higher demand for vegan food today than there has ever been. If one of your loved ones has opted for a vegetarian or vegan diet, it is worth searching online for some other options that they will enjoy, after all, Christmas is a time for giving.
One option includes cooking a vegan nut roast and vegan pie. There are also recipes for various vegan alternatives for many Christmas desserts. For example, vegan Christmas pudding and vegan tiffins. With more and more reasons to consider reducing our meat consumption, it is definitely worth considering replacing one dish with a vegan option this Christmas.
New Years Day
New Years Day can be a minefield when it comes to food. You may still be in the festive mindset, if your family are still visiting and there is still lots of food and drink left over from the holiday period. You may begin to hate yourself as you continue to gorge on that tin of chocolates that one of your relatives has given you for Christmas.
On the other hand, New Years Day can also be a time to change your eating habits. For this reason, you may consider opting for much healthier meals on New Year’s Day. If you are stuck for ideas but are looking for fresh ideas to help you to achieve your resolution this year, there is an abundance of recipes online that are available for free. If you are more old school then even purchasing a cookbook may be right up your street.
With so many days to celebrate during the winter season, there is a variety for food out there for everyone. We hope that we have given you a few great ideas for this festive season. From Halloween all the way through to New Year’s Day, there is something for everyone. If you are entertaining guests this holiday season then it is essential to have a kitchen that works for you. At Mode Kitchens, we offer services for makeovers for Kitchens in Stoke.